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MónNatura Delta de l’Ebre tours and activities

Visits to the centre

MónNatura Delta self-guided visit

Visit to explore the different areas of the centre to understand and appreciate the magic of the Ebro Delta.

From Wednesday to Friday: 10am to 2pm.  Saturday and Sunday: 10 am to 6pm.

€10 Adults | €5 Children


MónNatura Delta guided tour

Complete guided tour of MónNatura Delta de l’Ebre, covering all areas of the centre.

Saturday, Sunday amb holidays at 12am in Catalan and 4pm in Spanish.

€14 Adults | €6 Children


Children’s visit

Family tour to discover the Ebro Delta

Saturday, Sunday and holidays at 10.30am.

€12 Adults | €6 Children


Nature activities

Flamingo experience

Saturdays, 4.30pm. Check the timetable.

 €8 Adults | €4 Children


Meet the birds of the Delta

Saturdays, 4:30 pm. Check the timetable.

 €8 Adults | €4 Children



  • 10 - 14h

    From Wednesday to Friday

  • 10 - 18h

    Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays